AIDA, is pleased to announce that the nomination process for the Western Balkans Women Entrepreneurs of the Year 2023 has begun.

The Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA), is pleased to announce that the nomination process for the Western Balkans Women Entrepreneurs of the Year 2023 has begun. The process has launched in the framework of the Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021-2024 and Regional Cooperation Council(RCC) Women Economic Empowerment Agenda.

This initiative aims to recognise women who have started and developed their own businesses and contributed to new and sustainable jobs in our region.

In this nomination RCC invites individuals, representatives of public and private institutions, Chambers of Commerce, Business Associations and regional and international partner organisations from the Western Balkans to nominate women entrepreneurs for the Western Balkans Women Entrepreneurs of the Year 2023 in the categories presented in the next section.

The deadline for applications/nominations is 26 February 2024.

For more information on the process and for NOMINATION, please click on the link below:…/western-balkans-women…