Call for applications for the selection of young people (age 15-29) and unemployed women for support in starting their business in the area of Muncipality of Shkodra, Municipality of Vau i Dejes and Municipality of Malesi e Madhe

Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA), in the framework of implementing the “Skills for Sustainable Employment and Inclusive Economic Growth of Cross-Border Region of Albania and Montenegro – Skills for Jobs Albania – Montenegro”, IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Albania – Montenegro 2014-2020 under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II), financed by the European Union, announces the call for support in starting their business for young people (age 15-29) and unemployed women in the Municipalities of Shkodra, Vau i Dejes and Malesi e Madhe.

The call focuses on support for:

1. Training for entrepreneurial skills for 15 participants;

2. Mentoring support in the development of business plans for 15 participants;

3. Grant in the amount of 3000 Euro for the start of the business, for the 5 most appreciated business plans of the participants.

For more information on the application, the documentation you must submit and the application form, consult the attached link: Link

Furthermore, for any questions or additional information, contact us at the official address: