Roundtable was held on the topic “How to increase the value of your business through industrial property”
Today, at the premises of the Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA), in cooperation with the General Directorate of Industrial Property (DPPI), a roundtable was held on the topic “How to increase the value of your business through industrial property”, with the representatives of micro, small and medium businesses (MSMEs).
The welcoming speeches were held by the Drirectors of the two institutions, Ms. Laura Plaku (Saro) and Ms. Rovena Beqiraj, who thanked the businesses representatives who accepted to this invitation and presented the services that these two institutions offer in support of SMEs.
Following the activity, the attendees were acquainted to the main objects of Industrial Property such as: patents for inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications, as well as the application procedure for the registration of objects of industrial property, being illustrated with specific examples.
Also, representatives of AIDA presented some of the services, and some of the objectives that are intended to be carried out during 2024, which are mainly related to the promotion of MSMEs, Albanian products, access to finance and the increase of capacities towards export.
The presentations held aroused the interest of the participants, being accompanied by specific questions and suggestions.