“Albania – Germany” Business Forum

Today, the Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA), organized the “Albania – Germany” Business Forum. The main participants of this activity were about 40 new German businesses of the “The Young Entrepreneurs” network, and about 60 Albanian businesses with direct interests in the fields of friendly businesses.
The purpose of the visit of the German delegation is to get to know more closely the potential and the concrete opportunities that Albania has for investments, to get to know and present projects supported by the Albanian Government, but also with new sectors for possible investments.
The welcoming and opening speech of the forum was delivered by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Mr. Endrit Yzeiraj, who also made a chronology of the history of economic relations between Albania and Germany over the years.
Minister of Finance and Economy, Mrs. Delina Ibrahimaj, who thanked the participants in this forum and first emphasized the excellent economic and trade relations that Albania has with Germany. Ibrahimaj said that Albania offers a suitable environment for doing business, given its political, economic and social stability. Ms. Ibrahimaj mentioned success stories of German companies in Albania and invited German businesses to invest and cooperate with local businesses.
The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Mrs. Frida Krifca, where she greeted those present at the forum. Ms. Krifca invited German companies to invest in Albania and cooperate with our companies, emphasizing the facilities that Albania offers. Frida also stopped at the pacts and economic agreements that the Albanian state will undertake for sustainable agriculture, as well as the partnership signed with the Ministry of Agriculture in Germany.
The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Albania, Mr. Peter Zingraf, greeted the participants and thanked AIDA for hosting and organizing this forum. Mr. Zingraf emphasized the excellent economic relations between the two countries and expressed that Albania is in huge working progress.
Also, the representative of the German Delegation, made a presentation of the participants in the delegation and the sectors they represented. He also stated that 90% of businesses in Germany were family businesses. In conclusion, he said that German businesses were interested in getting to know Albanian businesses and what our country offers for them.
Mr. Nikolin Jaka, Chairman of the Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry, thanked the attendees and presented the key sectors and some of the participating Albanian companies belonged to these sectors, stating that the Albanian infrastructure facilitates doing business in Albania. Mr. Jaka also presented the concrete request of an Albanian company for cooperation with German companies for the establishment of a fishing fleet in Albania.
The closing speech of the forum was given by the representative of AIDA, the Director of Investments Mrs. Mileva Meksi, stopping and presenting in detail to the participants about the business climate in Albania, what our country offers to foreign investors, the incentives of the Albanian Government in all priority sectors in Albania, economic agreements, as well as the assistance of AIDA in this process.
After the presentations, the forum continued with B2B (business to business) meetings, where German and Albanian companies had the opportunity to discuss and exchange contacts for future cooperation.