Turkey-Albania Business Summit, AIDA and MUSIAD unite over 200 companies from the two countries

Turkey-Albania Business Summit, AIDA and MUSIAD unite over 200 companies from the two countries

The Association of Independent Businessmen and Industrialists (MUSIAD) based in Istanbul, is spread over 90 countries around the world, including Albania. MUSIAD Albania organized the Business Summit, where the conference of important economic development actors between Albania and Turkey was held, followed by the B2B session.

Ms. Laura Saro, Executive Director of AIDA, in her speech at the summit, mentioned the intensified economic relationship between the two countries. She invited all businesses to turn to AIDA for any

need and guaranteed the maximum support and assistance that AIDA offers to facilitate doing business in Albania.

In the B2B meetings, the Albanian companies had the opportunity to meet closely about 100 Turkish companies from sectors such as: Construction, Tourism, Technology, Health, Furniture, Energy, Logistics and others. This important organization paves the way for the creation and intensification of relations between the businesses of the two countries and the growth of economic cooperation.