The 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE) 

The Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA) informs you that the 7th edition of the China International Import Expo (CIIE), Shanghai, China, will take place on November 5-10, 2024. China International Import Expo (CIIE) is an annual event, which has become a showcase of China’s new development paradigm, a platform for high-standard opening-up and a public […]

Ftesë për pjesëmarrje në panairin BIOFACH, në datat 11-14 Shkurt 2025, Nuremberg, Gjermani

Agjensia Shqiptare e Zhvillimit të Investimeve (AIDA), po planifikon pjesëmarrjen me stendë të Shqipërisë në një nga panairet më të mëdhenj të ushqimit organik dhe bimëve aromatike dhe medicinale, BIOFACH 2025, i cili do të zhvillohet në Nuremberg, Gjermani, në datat 11-14 Shkurt 2025. Stenda shqiptare do të përfaqësohet nga një numër i limituar kompanish, […]

The “Choose Yours” event followed with a mini fair.

The “Choose Yours” event followed with a mini fair. Local producers promoted their products, offering tasting, as well as had the opportunity to present their offer to the most important hoteliers operating in our country, present at the event. The presentation of products such as wine, beer, dairy, jam , honey and olive oil, from […]

Albanian exports increase for the month of April 2024!

Albanian exports increase for the month of April 2024 according to data published by Instat. Exports of goods reached the value of 35 billion ALL in April 2024, increasing by 1.8%, compared to the same period a year ago and by 3.9%, compared to a month ago. In the increase of exports of 1.8%, the […]

AIDA ishte pjesëmarrëse në panairin “Agro Tech & Natural Expo 2024”, me stendë së bashku me 10 kompani prodhuese, gjatë tre ditëve të panairit, që u zhvillua në datat 16-18 maj 2024.

Agjencia Shqiptare e Zhvillimit të Investimeve (AIDA) ishte pjesëmarrëse në panairin “Agro Tech & Natural Expo 2024”, me stendë së bashku me 10 kompani prodhuese, gjatë tre ditëve të panairit, që u zhvillua në datat 16-18 maj 2024. Kompanitë pjesëmarrëse në stendën e AIDA ishin Bonum, Enofama, Artizanët-Vau i Dejës, Morava, Veza Savio, Albania Piemonte, […]

AIDA welcomed in a meeting the representative of the counterpart agency in Azerbaijan (AZPROMO), accompanied by the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Albania, HE Anar Huseynov.

The Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA) welcomed in a meeting the representative of the counterpart agency in Azerbaijan (AZPROMO), accompanied by the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Albania, HE Anar Huseynov. The purpose of the meeting was the exchange of practices and knowledge, as well as the creation of favorable conditions for the sustainable growth of […]

Expression of interest for collaboration from the Greek company “KMMB GP”

The Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA) announces that the Greek company “KMMB GP” has expressed interest in cooperation with Albanian companies operating in the industry, energy, food and maritime sectors.The “KMMB GP” company is specialized in the production of gaskets, conveyor belts of any type of material, construction and installation of PVC curtains, the design […]

Drejtori Ekzekutiv i AIDA, znj. Laura Saro, ishte pjesë e Misionit sipërmarrës institucional dhe ekonomik në Shqipëri

Drejtori Ekzekutiv i AIDA, znj. Laura Saro, ishte pjesë e Misionit sipërmarrës institucional dhe ekonomik në Shqipëri, që u promovua dhe organizua në bashkëpunim me Delegacionin Confindustria Veneto Es. Misioni ishte i përbërë nga kompani të rëndësishme vendase, të shoqëruar nga Këshilltarja përgjegjëse për Ndërkombëtarizimin, znj. Alessandra Polin. Misioni u hap me takime institucionale dhe […]

The International Shipping Exhibition “Posidonia”, on June 3-7, 2024, Greece

The Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA) informs you about the development of the International Shipping Exhibition “Posidonia”, on June 3-7, 2024, Greece.The international exhibition “Posidonia” continues to be the global market for shipbuilders, suppliers of marine equipment and related transport services and is expected to have high participation.“Posidonia” offers a unique opportunity to explore the […]

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