The Albanian Investment Development Agency continues to inform micro, small and medium enterprises through the “Access to Finance” platform.

The Albanian Investment Development Agency continues to inform micro, small and medium enterprises through the “Access to Finance” platform. The newest call published on the platform is “INGENIOUS Internationalization Grants” These grants provide broad access to new markets and strengthen competition abroad. For further information ,acceptance conditions, funding amount and more, visit the platform at […]


In the framework of this initiative by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the second session focused on economic diplomacy and foreign investments was held. The panel composed by the Minister of Economy, Culture and Innovation Mr. Blendi Gonxhja, Minister of Finance Mr. Petrit Malaj, Executive Director of AIDA, Mrs. Laura Saro and Mrs. […]

Invitation to participate in the “AGRO-MASHOV” Fair, in Israel, 9-11 December 2024

The Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA) informs you that on December 9-11, 2024, the two-day international fair “AGRO-MASHOV” will be held at the Jerusalem International Convention Centre, in Israel Participating in this exhibition will provide Albanian exporting companies with opportunities and space for new markets and partners, as well as opportunities to meet with industry […]

The guideline for olive oil production and export

  Albanian Investment Development Agency and Rural Associations Support Program have published a new comprehensive guide that will help you successfully enter high value international markets This guide, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) through the RisiAlbania project and implemented by Helvetas, provides best practices for the production and export of […]

Organizohet Ekspozita Ndërkombëtare “Beyond 2025” në Selanik, Greqi!

Organizohet Ekspozita Ndërkombëtare “Beyond 2025” në Selanik, Greqi! Në datat 27-29 mars 2025 zhvillohet ekspozita kryesore e teknologjisë dixhitale në Evropën Juglindore dhe Mesdhe!  Kjo është një mundësi e artë për sipërmarrësit dhe inovatorët shqiptarë për të eksploruar partneritete ndërkombëtare dhe për të marrë pjesë në konferenca dhe workshope dedikuar sektorit të Start-Up!*  Me mbi […]

Ftesë për pjesëmarrje në Balkan Investment Summit & Industries Exhibition and Conference, Kuvajt, 1-2 Dhjetor 2024

Ftesë për pjesëmarrje në Balkan Investment Summit & Industries Exhibition and Conference, Kuvajt, 1-2 Dhjetor 2024 Balkan Investment Summit & Industries Exhibition and Conference është një panair multisektorial, që organizohet për të promovuar industritë, pasuritë e paluajtshme dhe turizmin e vendeve të Ballkanit në shtetin e Kuvajtit, duke ofruar edhe mundësinë për bashkëpunime midis vendeve […]

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